100 Days #SocialMedia Q&A on Twitter

Starting from today September 18th 2013 , for the next 100 days until December 16th 2013, I am going to answer all the questions about social media and related issues on my Twitter.

I expect to answer up to 240 questions per day, I expect to send 12000 tweets during this period.

You can ask questions by either of these two methods:

1.By using any of the following HashTags: #SocialMedia #WordPress #Somia (somia can be used as an abbreviation for social media) and include no link in your tweet so I will find your question and 1st retweet and later reply it.

2. By mentioning my handle @pooriast; Although I’m trying my best not to miss any question via the HasTags, using the mention almost guarantee my response.


I decided to do this Q&A as a sign of friendship and yet it helps me to find out where I need to learn better and what are the most important and most common challenges for social media users.

I hopefully will be able to give answers regarding the following topics and issues:

Social Media as a general topic, Social Media applications in Marketing, Public Relations, Branding, Market and/or public opinion surveys and analysis, Facebook Open Graph, Facebook Apps and Integrations, Twitter Apps, Instagram endless possibilities in PR, Marketing and Content Creation, WordPress as a full scale web applications canvas, Web and Social Analytics, CRMs and other SAAS business applications, Webmaster Tools both Bing and Google, GeoLocation and Geo-Tagging, Data Structure, Micro Formats, Schema, Taxonomies, SiteMaps, Feeds and all the related HowTOs, tips, tricks, mash ups, interrelations, Authorship, Influence, Klout, Content protection, Online Copyrights, DMCA, plagiarism monitoring  etc.

Please feel free to join this Q&A, share you ideas and express your opinions, your participation at any kind is deeply appreciated.



– No Affiliation Guranteed; Through this Q & A, Neither of my suggestions and recommendations are meant to advertise or promote any particular beneficiary, Nor my links and referrals to different sites and apps are because of financial gain, I have a restrict policy against using any kind of affiliation links in this blog and my Tweets, My suggestions are only based on my best knowledge and experience.

– No Obligation, I accept no obligation about any possible lost or suffer that might appear to those who follow my advice.

– I might be wrong.

SEO tips for shifting your site to WordPress

If you want to upgrade your site from ASP, Joomla, Drupal, HTML etc to WordPress you can follow the following steps in order to preserve your SEO rank and traffic.

-Before making any change make sure you add your site to both Google and Bing  webmaster tools and submit your XML sitemap to them(if you have not done it yet).

-In this period a link building campaign targeting your naked domain is very useful.

– Yet you have a bigger fish to fry, the architecture of wordpress is also very important, for foundations follow whatever

Joost de Valk  says.

– Get familiar with WordPress taxonomies, custom taxonomies and custom post types and use them effectively based on your objectives and content.

-For your new URLs as the best practice use Yoast SEO plugin and for Permanent links at WP setting chose the fourth option which is %postname% .

– At last submit your new XML sitemaps which are generated by Yoast’s plugin to the webmaster tools,

-After shifting to WP you have to report the 301 to Google webmaster tools, it’s very important to follow Google’s guideline on reporting 301.

I followed these steps in a similar issue and at the same time I needed to change my naked domain to another TLD, and I lost no pagerank or organic traffic.

You can also find me on LinkedIn and @pooriast

P.S. : Non of my posts in this blog is written for article marketing and neither of the links are affiliated. What I write is what I know, think, feel, experience and like to share.

How to get A 9/10 GooglePageRank; A revealing case study

How Mailchimp Got an Extraordinary “9 Google Page Rank” ?

Few days back, I was visiting mailchimp.com, a popular newsletter subscription & delivery service, I noticed an extraordinary achievement in its Google Page Rank, I decided to write about the SEO factors and reasons, Which make  Mailchimp achieve such a brilliant result.

I would like to mention that this post is not a full SEO analytics but it is a brief case study, there are 2 major types of SEO analytics those which are being done automatically via using analytical softwares and those reports, which being created by a human author. Anyhow in this post I reveal three major tactics that Mailchimp has used to get to the peak. If you like to learn more about Mailchimp SEO status, along with this post please  review Mailchimp SEO reports on Woorank and Webrankstats.


Three Successful SEO Tactics Adopted by Mailchimp

1- Free “link building” via subscription widgets:

Mailchimp benefits from millions of links all over the internet by adding its link to the subscription widgets at the sidebar of sites and blogs. the image, below shows a sample of this widgets:


2- API and Integrations

Mailchip is offering a powerful API and there are plenty of integration add-ons and plugins. These add-ons make it easy for developers, webmasters and IT managers to use Mailchimp services in their websites and apps, for Mailchimp the instant benefit of such integrations is  obviously more positive figures in sales. Yet there is an unseen ( or not very obvious) side benefit, which is a huge and massive link building in multi-platform applications.

3- The Golden Key

Mailchimp offers a newsletters archive to its clients these archives contain millions of out going links,  on  one hand these archives are not hosted on Mailcimp.com domian, on the other hand these archives are containing link to Mailchimp.com.

The Golden benefit of these archives, is a massive content creation without spending a single penny.

The content is being created by Mailchimp clients and Mailchimp has its link in such a huge and resourceful ocean of content; the content which is being update automatically and regularly and it’s related to any possible topic you can imagine. So on the eyes of crawlers Mailchip has associated its domain with each and every topic on the web. This is a very influensive SEO advantage for a site, to be associated to many topics, As you know the value of a link is related to the topic on the content, A link to a technical website from a fashion blog has less value than a link to a technical website from a technical blog.

In other words imagine a site like Yahoo.com , its age is almost as old as World Wide Web, the Yahoo News and Yahoo Services along with all other Yahoo services have created and published millions of webpages with fresh content yet Yahoo’s Google Page Rank is also 9. Mailchimp is getting super benefit of a huge volume of content for FREE.

arcive mailchimp

And yes, Mailchimp competitors are also providing archives but they:

– Might have started offering archive later than Mailchimp.

– Are not having a good domain strategy to host the archives.

– Might lacking a good branding strategy( As I explained briefly here, SEO is a part of branding)

The above items are the major SEO factors of Mailchimp SEO mission, and I think such tactics are not being thought in most of SEO articles or books. Some of these tactics even maybe considered unplanned, for example when Mailchimp decided to host archives on other domains they might had other priorities on their agenda but success can’t be all accidental, They have done just great.

As I am talking about Mailchimp and I am familiar with CRM concept and CRM applications, I like to add few more words irrelevant to SEO, Mailchip is a newsletter service and nothing more. I read on some blogs Mailchimp being introduced as a CRM application, which is not a correct naming. Mailchimp is not a CRM neither in application nor in service.

On the application:

At the best consideration Mailchimp can be inserted in a CRM solution as a module for mailing list subscription and newsletter management as it’s designed for such functions; In my opinion a proper CRM needs at least 15 more modules to be called CRM.

On the service;

Although Mailchimp technically is as good as many other similar newsletter tools, I have had a devastating experience by their support team which caused a vital campaign gets failed due to waste of time by Mailchimp support team. I hope they improve their support by using a good CRM system in order to make their support as good as their branding and SEO.

You can also find me on LinkedIn and @pooriast

P.S. : Non of my posts in this blog is written for article marketing and neither of the links are affiliated. What I write is what I know, think, feel, experience and like to share.

SEO for the First-Timers

English: seo block

English: seo block (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

There are tons of sites and blogs, articles and resources, tools and valuable content you can find and use for SEO ( Search Engine Optimization). But I am writing this guide to define the foundations – basics; a bit more & less – of SEO. What I am writing here is what I’ve learnt and experienced, I read and more than reading, I have exercised and reached the desired results, so my tone in this article is more, personally practical than classically technical.

SEO can be defined as the technics a webmaster adopts and implements in order to force its webpages reach to higher ranks in SERP (search engine results Page). it’s hard to define standard but 70% of the visitors of a  website are being generated from search engine (mainly Google).

SEO is a process that has to be started upon building a website, it’s not something like an add-on or extra functions that you do after creating a website or a webpage, SEO should be a top priority when you want to make a website and surly to be continued for ever, as long as the website is alive.

Search engines are using robots, which crawl all the webpages frequently, in other word SEO is the technic of ruling these robots, make them love your site and give it a high rank based on the criteria that has been defined in search engines algorithms.

Architecture of a Web crawler.

Architecture of a Web crawler. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

SEO is being divided on 2 type:

1. Inbound SEO

2. Outbound SEO

Inbound SEO are all the things you can do and you should do inside your website to reach the best result, So Outbound SEO is all the campaign and activities you should do out side of your websites in order to get the desired result.

To start SEO you need to keep the following points in mind:

Inbound SEO – Chose a good domain for your site, good domain means, chose a relevant word or phrase along with a .com or .org TLD , in some cases regional TLDs doing well, I have seen great result with .asia yet regional domains may work well, if you are from Iran for example a .ir domain is good to hit  that particular territory if you are from Germany .de and so on,  but if you target whole world as your audience do not bet on any TLD less than .com and .org though .biz, .net and .info are also international and general TLDs but in my experience there are never even close to .com and .org , there are news about new TLDs being announced by ICANN but conservatively I like to stick on my .COMs.

Inbound SEO – In your domain try not to use numbers and symbols such as (-), yet try to keep your domain as short as possible but avoid the abbreviations unless they are well known.

Inbound SEO – There is a fact; crawlers find your pages through the links so no matter you are making a small static website( not sure if anyone still making static sites) or making a dynamic website, no matter if you develop whole site yourself or you are using a CMS such as WordPress or Drupal. At any case you need to design a structure for your webpages in a way that they get discovered when a crawler visits your site. How? by your menus  and links at your top menu, sidebar, footer etc. and in more advanced levels by taxonomies such as tags and categories.

Inbound SEO – Draw a site map before making a site and see what pages are more important linked them from your main menu. less important pages can be linked from footer or from the body of your main pages.

Inbound SEO – there are few line of HTML that each and every page of your site must have. Title Tag and Meta Description use the most relevant keywords and phrases in your title and description.

Inbound SEO – Use relevant slugs yet avoid making your site’s URLs too long.

Inbound & Outbound SEO* – Focus on your content mainly on the text, write as much as you can, write fresh, and write even more.

* That’s true that your content is all in your site and it’s being considered as inbound SEO but if the content is attractive for the audience they share it, sharing your webpages on social networks or other websites; The result of sharing is link-building, link-building is Outbound SEO. Therefore I believe creating good content is eventually both inbound & outbound SEO.

More radically some experts believe “the most important move in online branding  is content marketing”, If we agree with such a statement, we shall assume there is a link between SEO and branding the link which is being built by great content.

Inbound SEO- XML site map; XML sitemap is different than HTML sitemap; HTML sitemap targets humans to show the structure of a website to its audience, while XML sitemaps target the crawlers to show the robots how a site is structured and how different pages are linked to each other. A webmaster has to create XML sitemaps and publish them on the net in order to be found by the robots, For a better result you shall submit your xml sitemaps to Google Webmaster Tools and Bing Webmaster Tools.

Inbound SEO- Be stingy in linking to other websites and use rel=”nofollow”  & rel=”noindex” when making a link to other websites.

Outbound SEO- submit your site to web directories, exchange link with other sites  and build as many as link you can to your pages.

Outbound SEO- share your links on social networks, tweet them, and share you links on public blog posts. at below please see a simple diagram of necessary outbound SEO moves after making any webpage.

SEO links

Link Building process after making each and every webpage

Attention: never follow black hat SEO.

That’s all that I could present in such a brief post, please feel free to ask questions and share your ideas by leaving comments.

you can also find me on LinkedIn ,  Google+ and @pooriast